Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We’ve packed bags of value into this course. See, in more detail, what you’ll gain access to when you sign up.

Is there a refund guarantee?


Do universities & colleges give out refunds?

The answer is NO- of course they do not give out refunds!

If a student ends up failing a class, that's on the student, not the university.

This is how life has been since the beginning of time.

And it's the same thing here with The Socialzer.

If you are reading this, you are from my YouTube channel.

This isn’t a random ad where you have zero trust built before buying a product. You know who I am ONLY because you have consumed many of my videos.

You know my advice has already helped you. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

So you can only imagine how much better it is INSIDE the program...

That's why I'm saying NO to refunds.

This course isn’t for people on the fence. It’s for people who are committed & ready.

There will be NO exceptions. But why?

1) Personal responsibility is a value of mine- and should be a value of yours too.

Stick to your plan. Don’t make a purchase and back out because you don’t want to put in the work. I only want students that have 100% certainty that they can afford this and are EXCITED to join!

2) This is a digital product. There is no way to actually return the product. This means there has to be a consequence for those that are trying to get free access and then go back to being a cockroach.

3) Guarantees are a just a marketing tactic. In the past, I have offered many refunds for the sake of confidence in purchasing a product. But after YEARS of doing this, the pattern is always the same. They didn't think it "was for them." or “something came up and I need to pay my bills.”..And my personal favorite: “I put my information in and then my finger accidentally slipped! I need a refund before my parents find out.” 😂😂😂😂 Seriously bro!

I am no longer letting some idiot come in, take up me and my team’s time, use my courses and programs, and then request to get their money back, then waste me and my team’s time to process the refunds.

I'll leave it in your hands to create your own confidence in acting on the materials in this program.

If you don't want the results, don't buy the course. It is as simple as that.

I have full confidence that the material in this course is accurate- and you WILL get results.

Still not sure?

Hear from dozens of happy Socializers who have turned their social & dating fortunes around with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program for beginners or advanced guys?

Both! This program is designed to begin with the basics and progressively move into higher level concepts and situations. That way you get desired results, wherever you are in your own journey (because everyones situation is different). Whatever level you consider yourself, we have training to rapidly elevate your current level of skills.

Is this program for beginners or advanced guys?

Both! This program is designed to begin with the basics and progressively move into higher level concepts and situations. That way you get desired results, wherever you are in your own journey (because everyones situation is different). Whatever level you consider yourself, we have training to rapidly elevate your current level of skills.

Is this program for beginners or advanced guys?

Both! This program is designed to begin with the basics and progressively move into higher level concepts and situations. That way you get desired results, wherever you are in your own journey (because everyones situation is different). Whatever level you consider yourself, we have training to rapidly elevate your current level of skills.

How do the hidden camera infield tutorials work?

How do the hidden camera infield tutorials work?

How do the hidden camera infield tutorials work?

Will you be teaching me cringy pick up lines or gimmicks?

Will you be teaching me cringy pick up lines or gimmicks?

Will you be teaching me cringy pick up lines or gimmicks?

How fast will I see results?

How fast will I see results?

How fast will I see results?

What if I’m totally nervous or have limiting beliefs about meeting a woman in public?

What if I’m totally nervous or have limiting beliefs about meeting a woman in public?

What if I’m totally nervous or have limiting beliefs about meeting a woman in public?

I've tried other products before in the past... How is this different?

I've tried other products before in the past... How is this different?

I've tried other products before in the past... How is this different?

Money is scarce right now, so why should I invest?

Money is scarce right now, so why should I invest?

Money is scarce right now, so why should I invest?

How much time will this take? I’m busy with my job, business, friends..

How much time will this take? I’m busy with my job, business, friends..

How much time will this take? I’m busy with my job, business, friends..

It’s time to make a change and take charge of your life.

It’s time to make a change and take charge of your life.

Join the Socializer today and begin turning around your social and dating fortunes.

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All Rights Reserved.

Designed by Ryasen Design

Full Refund Policy